When you spend your money on advertising, you absolutely must know what is working and why.
Consumers are not spending money the same way they used to. Advertising in newspapers, magazines and television has become a waste of advertising dollars.
These traditional advertising mediums cannot deliver the traffic to businesses that they were once able to. Trends point online.
Intelligent advertising means being in complete control of each dollar that goes into your ads, and then getting overwhelmed by more data than you need, telling you what works in your advertising and what doesn’t, and how to get better real time results.
Remember, the internet is just one big bunch of computers. You can track everything.
Imagine advertising that did not limit you to one 30 second spot.
Imagine instead, that your advertising could be like a wonderful educational journey, where your customers learn about you and your business over time, all because they want to know about you.
Imagine advertising that inspires loyalty in your customers.
When you teach your customers about your business over time, and serve them well, they become loyal to you. That means they ignore the competition because they like you better. That… is Intelligent Advertising.
Building loyal customers over time is like building an army of volunteer salesman, who advertise for you because they like you.
Why spend money on advertising methods that can’t give you any idea of how well the advertising is working for your business?
That’s like throwing money out the window.
Direct Response Email Marketing is advertising that the customer elects to receive because they want it.
Your customers are smart, and they want to know about your business, and they want more than a 30 second commercial.
You can’t get better than that.
To learn more about how you can increase sales, build customer loyalty and cut advertising costs, simply use the opt-in form by the red arrows above by put your name and email address in and press the button below.
May 2016 be your best year in business ever!